Most fathers have never been taught how to be one.
Change that today with our 3-part system.
Skill of Fatherhood
Master Class
Many dads today are left shooting from the hip on this parenting thing. Either we didn’t have ourdads to show us growing up, or they gave us a bad picture we didn’t want to follow.
Or maybe they were great dads but never passed on their knowledge. Being a father is one of the greatest privileges and joys of a man’s life, and a role that brings immense blessing if we are willing to step into it. Join Jeremy Pryor and Jefferson Bethke as they unpack an entire 3-part system that will take you from A to Z and give you tactical, practical, and immediately actionable ways to level up your parenting.
What Is the Skill of Fatherhood Masterclass?
This masterclass is for fathers (and mothers or wives too!) of all ages. It unpacks an entire system of how to be the father you want to be but aren’t sure how to be. It digs into the Scriptures and recovers a model hidden in plain sight of the Father coach, giving obvious ways to level up your family immediately. The masterclass concentrates explicitly on the three skills of being a good father: training your children, coaching a family team on mission, and living multi- generationally.

3 Modules, 20 Videos
Watch and work through the videos from anywhere you have an internet connection, on a computer, ipad, or on your phone and feel like you are hanging out with Jeff and Jeremy in your living room as they help you rethink your entire vision of what it means to be a dad.
The course includes videos in all 3 modules, as well as bonus videos where we interview other families who have made this shift and how it has gone for them.
In conjunction with your video masterclass, you’ll receive the Skill of Fatherhood digital workbook complete with questions and exercises to help you go deeper and process throughout this journey!

Change the Course of Your Family Forever, Today!
Have you felt that nudge in your family that something isn’t right? Or that you wanted or sensed there was more but wasn’t sure what or how? Us too, and that’s why we created this masterclass. To systematically walk you through God’s big and great design for family teams on mission, and how that starts with a father catching the vision as the leader of his home. Start today and investment in your family forever!