One place we’ve seen that kind of ‘unlocks’ it for folks, and helps them understand the really awesome big picture is after they listen to a podcast keynote talk Jeremy gave on the subject awhile ago. So, we’d highly suggest starting by listening to that talk below.
What It Means to Build a Multigenerational Team on Mission
Mind blowing stuff right?
It’s pretty simple. As mentioned in that keynote, we believe God has designed families to be not just a collection of individuals but actually one of his primary vehicles to bring blessing into the world as multi-generational family teams on mission.
And that’s what we are all about, and what everything you see here comes back around to!
So if you’re interested or intrigued to hear more we thought we’d spell out some of our more popular resources or content below.
Five Minute Fatherhood
(dont be scared off by the title moms, our audience actually consists of about 50% women!)
What is it? A daily YouTube channel and audio podcast where me and Jeremy chat about all things family related–from schooling, to training, to how to not burnout, and more.
Once you start living like a family team, you realize there aren’t a ton of tools to help you do and if there are they are hard to find!
And that’s our mission here. To give you as many tools for your toolbox as you can carry.
Here’s just a few of our favorites.
Physical Products
Between the 3 books we have written and our special Family Plan Calendar, this is a great place to start to get your family on the same page!

One way to level up your family radically is to do a deep dive on specific tools for multi-generational family teams. That’s why we created our two masterclasses–the 7 Day Family and Skill of Fatherhood.

Live Events
We believe there is nothing like getting in the same room with people who are pursuing the same thing, and that’s why a few times a year we host Family Teams Weekend workshops. If you want to take your family to the next level, and find encouragement and support and receive specific coaching then we’d love to have you join us at one of our workshops.

Trips To Israel
The Family Teams tour to Israel is a completely unique experience because it combines two life changing learning trips into one.