Hey Everyone,
This week April, Kelsey, Sydney, and I are taking a group on a tour throughout the land of Israel. We get to introduce people to the Holy Land, multigenerational family ideas, and make lifelong connections all at the same time.
I could write for weeks about what I love about this land but I want to tell you all about my favorite moment of every trip.
On the third day of our tour we ascend to Jerusalem. At first you can’t really see the city, but then we enter a tunnel and the moment we emerge you can see the entire Old City of Jerusalem for the first time all at once. Stunning!
What gets me every time is the sense that this is a foretaste of someday entering into the fullness of our Father’s Kingdom.
It’s like working an exhausting week and suddenly sitting at the Sabbath table surrounded by abundance and loving relationships.
One day we will see the city our Father has prepared for us, and all of this family building will reach its fulfillment as we get to fully experience being sons and daughters of God.
“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1
Are you looking forward to seeing what’s on the other side of that tunnel?
PS. Would you like to come visit Israel with April, me, and our family? Check out our upcoming Family Teams Israel Tour.
This entry is a part of Jeremy’s Journal, a newsletter Jeremy sends out every Wednesday morning to encourage you on your parenting journey. You can sign up to get them every Wednesday here.