
Wisdom of the East from Bruce Lee

Got a great quote here from the philosopher, Bruce Lee, and we love getting wisdom wherever we can. And this guy, actually, he had some really deep philosophical thoughts. One of the things I like about guys like this is they grow up in the east, and then they live and really see the culture in the west. And sometimes people that have that kind of lens can just-

Yeah. They collide.

… sort of say things that might be a little bit hard for us to see, but sort of obvious to them. And one of the things that he said was, “Instead of buying your children all the things you never had, you should teach them all the things you were never taught. Material things wear out, but knowledge stays.” That was really interesting. I liked the emphasis that I think oftentimes you hear people in the west say this, and this is almost a pretty characteristically western thing to say. And that is that I want my kids to have a better childhood than I had and oftentimes we mean materials. I want my kids to have more than I had.

Now, I think that I think there’s a heart behind it that’s really, really good. We want all of us and what we’re talking about here at Family Teams is we want our ceiling to be our children’s floor, but it’s important to talk about what goes into that ceiling. Oftentimes the idea that it’s to sort of pour on the material blessings, especially in their childhood, as the primary way we want to bless our kids ,that can really backfire in spectacular ways. And I think that probably Bruce Lee, going from Hong Kong to, I think LA, he probably saw this in a lot of people’s lives and just sort of said, “Hey guys. Maybe what we should be accumulating is wisdom and pouring that on our kids.”

What are the lessons that maybe took you a decade to learn, but that you can really articulate well to your children so that it sort of just a basic part of the framework of their thinking, but it took you a long time to get it. Because there’s going to be all kinds of things they’re going to need to figure out for future generations, but it’s really important for us to start to think about how are we passing those things on and really be like the Proverbs, what Solomon was attempting to do was to create a sort of a basis of wisdom that he could then pass on to another generation. It’s important for us to try to figure out how can we level up our family in terms of knowledge and wisdom and not simply materially.

Yeah. And I think one thing I would say too is it’s interesting, right? How we in our culture think it’s normal to leave a family inheritance, but I’ve never even heard one person talk about a knowledge inheritance, right? Like a monetary inheritance versus actually leaving… I think we need to realize we should be patriarchs and matriarchs and leaders of the family that leave completely rung dry, like our job. I don’t think some people even see that as their job, but it’s our job to actually… We are pressure cooking ourselves in all of life to grow, to learn, to advance, to be sanctified, right? The scriptural word, kind of that becoming more like Jesus, and that should be something that’s passed on not just reset every generation. That should totally be just dumped out whether that means when you die, your kids get dozens and dozens of journals, letters to them. Whether you leave some videos to them or whether, I mean, obviously don’t just do it then. But whether you’re talking to them all throughout where they have certain days where it’s just like, “Hey, let me give you a lesson every single Friday of just one thing I’ve learned,” or whatever.

This is so huge and I think we just don’t even consider this, that our job… I almost consider it, I felt pressure actually. My job is to just be everything. I want them to have everything I’ve ever thought about or learned all the way from wisdom to even house stuff, right? Here’s how to build something. Here’s how to do these things. I want to make sure that they are just equipped because then I think we’re then equipping our kids really well where then they are so well rounded, so advanced, hopefully knowing knowledgeable in the scriptures, right? Able to engage culture. It just goes on and on and on. And I think this is really, really important. So, yeah. I don’t know if you would add anything else right there, but I think this one’s really big.

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